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by Tom of


8x10 prints $2



TOM 50


LOS ANGELES A. A. U. REFUSES TO ALLOW TV AND MAGAZINE PHOTOGRAPHERS TO PHOTOGRAPH MR L. A. CONTEST! In an action unworthy of the aau tradition of fair play, representatives of the Southern California Division of the Amateur Athletic Union refused to permit photographers to click their cameras at 1959 Mr. Los Angeles contest. No reason given. Among famous physique photographers rejected were Bruce of Los Angeles and Russ Warner. When Mr. Warner who had purchased an admission ticket (though throughout the world the press is traditionally admitted free to such events in exchange for publicity) asked to see the AAU representative, that gentleman who is an attorney literally threw Mr Warner's money at him and said he would welcome a lawsuit for violation of the photographer's rights. The usually magic name of NBC Studios fared no better though their photographer assured the officials he represented National Broadcasting Company and not National Biscuit Company. Only one photographer was permitted and who did he ret?--you guessed it: Strength and Health Magazine. Many physique enthusiasts feel that the AAU is supposed to foster the best interests of sports, and an exclusive tie-up with any one magazine is not in the public interest. Some people have asked what can go on at these contests that makes the AAU want to bar the members of the press they cannot comis latOver recent years the Los Angeles AAU's (Weightlifting division) relations with the press has steadily worsened est gesture will probably prove to be the breaking point.


cannot control,

Most of the athletes have no particular respect for the AAU and would welcome an alternate. However, most of the people who have put on physique shows in our area (such as Bert Goodrich, Vic Tanny, etc) have declared them to be financially impractical, but this may be because of unnecessary frills they have added. While no one is likely to make a fortune, a prudent promotor or group of promotors will find an area like Los Angeles capable of handsomely supporting a show or series of shows which are properly presented and adequately publicized. Any group willing to undertake such an enterprise will find the physique photographers supporting them 100% with mailing lists, publicity photos etc.


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by Tom of FINLAND

8x10 prints

$2 from